After this brief summary of ancient beliefs about nahualli, one wonders if a concept as complex and important to the Mesoamerican worldview could not have been equally reflected in the visual manifestations of pre-Hispanic times. If such records could not give additional information on the nahualism and, if the first question is affirmative, how it could have been embodied the notion of nahualli. Thus, the main intention of this work will be how plastics arts represent the nahualli between the Aztecs and other pre-Hispanic cultures.
[Texto completo].:: Volumen 38
Among the many Nazca sites that are scattered in the basin of the Rio Grande, stands out Cahuachi, which had a continuous occupation from 400 BC to 450 AC. Today uninhabited, the site of the ancient Nazca capital covers an area of 24 km2. It is located at 360 meters and 40 kilometers from the Pacific coast at coordinates 14 º 49’S, 75 º 07’W. It is located 500 km south of Lima, Ica Department, and 18 km west of the city of Nazca (Fig. 1).
[Texto completo]In this paper, we move from an unusual perspective to the various processes to extirpate idolatry in Peru and Mexico. The usual practice in this subject has been the emphasis on the fact of the persistence of indigenous beliefs a century after the first systematic Christianization offensives in both viceroys.
[Texto completo]In the area of the Costa Chica between the municipalities of Cuajinicuilapa and Pinotepa Nacional, without it is neither matter nor demand of a movement of big local masses, but of specific interests of several of its wise people, provoked in turn by the incident of many other factors -endogenous and exogenous, national and international- exists the necessity of requesting its social recognition as a singular entity or ethnic group, that goes beyond, I could say, of whom it has granted them in ancient times its regional area. Clear request, asked at least until the year 2000, Along the annual “encounter of black people villages” celebrated from 1997.
[Texto completo]The temple and the codex become determinant remains of the local process of development; the architecture allows putting out, in addition to its stylistic and aesthetic qualities, the fact of being a historical document. The reading can be from two instances, the one that prints the catholic worship and the hegemonic speech of western court, and the one that allows putting out the point of view of the dominated culture, which from the Spanish conquest was known as that of the Indians.
[Texto completo]The persistence in our times of a myth as archaic as the one of the were wolf or the bear-man who had acquired their present shape through many overlapping cultural shows, demonstrates in spite the inevitable process of cultural impoverishment, the vitality of certain elements of the mythical folklore.
[Texto completo]Carrying out Justice. Interlegality, law and gender in indigenous regions.
To make the reading of this text, it is important to consider that the law cannot be understood more as a unique set of rules. The law is also argumentation and procedures. The law focused on argumentation is living, dynamic, right to understand that the legal consists of cultural, social and contextual, elements of where the legal operator must watering to find just solutions cases.
The alternating game: the life and death. Life-cycle rituals among the Nahua of the Sierra de Puebla
The book is organized into four chapters, introduction and conclusion. This is a simple text with good structure and simple writing, so that the reader is lead by the hand to know the main ideas, proposals, hypotheses and conclusions without any tricks or major complications.
Dissident voices. Contemporary debates in the studies of gender in Mexico
This compilation of essays assembles the efforts of different female experts that, from the specific look of their disciplines, examine diverse aspects of the gender — law and rights, nutrition, work, health, power, eroticism and identity — in the Mexican society. This way, are examined from the interdisciplinary — in different depths, angles and positions and with dissimilar methodologies — diverse social and temporary spaces where the relations of gender are the main focus.