It can be said that the central topic of this work by Marie-Odile Marion is the Lacandón group, subject to which she devoted most of her professional life. The work is as vast as it is deep and it discusses in a simple way –but with an elegant prose- the history of this ethnic group from its pre-Hispanic dynamic to modern times […]
[Texto completo].:: HISTORY
This work researches on the links there were between the economic development of the mining industry and the technical education encouraged in the mid XIX century. We shall address training at Fresnillo’s School of Mining, exemplary institution which allows us to analyze the gap between theoretical training and technical learning of mining engineers.
[Texto completo]In the past two decades, the work of writing history has constantly been subject to revision, both to its procedures and to its aims, and in these revisions have had an outstanding place the proposals and warnings on the risk of falling in the easy means of justifying a certain approach given the impossibility on the part of the historian of eluding his/her own cultural context of origin, as well as on the part of the obvious and methodological impossibility of assuming empathic attitudes.
[Texto completo]This is why the book Asilo diplomático mexicano en el Cono Sur (Mexican diplomatic asylum in the South Cone) has the merit of being one of the pioneer works about Latin American exile, because it is based on original and novel information contained in the aforementioned archive.
[Texto completo]The process of constructing identities necessarily involvesthe dynamics of social relations in which different groups have been involved throughout their history. In the case of the pueblos indios (Native American settlements), the history of intherethnic relations is a central theme in the definition a people’s own identity and the construction of the “other”. This process includes a reciprocal dialogue between social groups, which directly or indirectly embodies elements of the manifestation of this interrelationship in different moments in the history of the groups.
[Texto completo]The documents collected by Ambassador Rodríguez contain valuable knowledge for the history of the Spanish exile and constitute an especially bright moment in the Mexican foreign service.
[Texto completo]In this paper, we move from an unusual perspective to the various processes to extirpate idolatry in Peru and Mexico. The usual practice in this subject has been the emphasis on the fact of the persistence of indigenous beliefs a century after the first systematic Christianization offensives in both viceroys.
[Texto completo]In the area of the Costa Chica between the municipalities of Cuajinicuilapa and Pinotepa Nacional, without it is neither matter nor demand of a movement of big local masses, but of specific interests of several of its wise people, provoked in turn by the incident of many other factors -endogenous and exogenous, national and international- exists the necessity of requesting its social recognition as a singular entity or ethnic group, that goes beyond, I could say, of whom it has granted them in ancient times its regional area. Clear request, asked at least until the year 2000, Along the annual “encounter of black people villages” celebrated from 1997.
[Texto completo]The temple and the codex become determinant remains of the local process of development; the architecture allows putting out, in addition to its stylistic and aesthetic qualities, the fact of being a historical document. The reading can be from two instances, the one that prints the catholic worship and the hegemonic speech of western court, and the one that allows putting out the point of view of the dominated culture, which from the Spanish conquest was known as that of the Indians.
[Texto completo]The persistence in our times of a myth as archaic as the one of the were wolf or the bear-man who had acquired their present shape through many overlapping cultural shows, demonstrates in spite the inevitable process of cultural impoverishment, the vitality of certain elements of the mythical folklore.
[Texto completo]